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The former Massachusetts governor criticized Giuliani for fighting as New York's mayor to eliminate a presidential line-item veto - a provision that lets a president reject specific items in a spending bill - as well as to maintain a commuter tax in New York City. world business news Two news organization polls in recent weeks showed the first-term Republican trailing Democratic challenger Steve Beshear by as many as 20 percentage points in his bid for re-election Nov. 6. Gov. Fletcher is toast, said Michael Baranowski, a political scientist at Northern Kentucky University. He said the best Fletcher can hope for is to avoid getting creamed at the polls, and even that doesn't look likely.

memory money business news Republicans in California's heavily Democratic 35th Congressional District are a lonely lot, represented in the House by one of the nation's most liberal members, Maxine Waters. Nonetheless, news new business bbc news GOP voters in gritty South Central are being treated like Hollywood celebrities in the presidential primary campaign, despite numbering only 15 percent of the area's registered voters.

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